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Roslyn Elena McGrath

Meditation from Grandmother of 13 Moons - Roslyn Elena McGrath
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Copyright  2018 Roslyn Elena McGRath

All Rights Reserved

Meditation from Grandmother of the 13 Moons is an excerpt from Goddess Heart Dancing: A Self-Guided Pathway to Light, which will be released in April 2018 and available at as well as Panara Imports and Garden Bouquet & Design in downtown Marquette.

Roslyn Elena McGrath is the author of five personal growth and healing books as well as meditation recordings and card sets. She has training from Rhode Island School of Design and graduated magna cum laude from the State University of New York at New Paltz with a B.A. in Art Education and M.A. in Painting. She shares visionary art and healing through her Marquette-based practice, Empowering Lightworks, and is an international facilitator of healing workshops and events. You can find out more at

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